‘We are all human beings, regardless of race. Our families have fled other places and come to the United States for freedom, equality, and protection of rights.’
LTE: Letter From Faculty And Staff Members Of Boston College
‘We charge Boston College to listen to and address the experiences of its marginalized students, and to its faculty, many of whom who have expertise in understanding color-blind and institutional racism.’
LTE: A Letter On Why Boston College Needs To Reinvest
‘At this crucial point in history, BC has an undeniable responsibility and enormous opportunity to act. We should be the leaders we’re called to be.’
LTE: A Letter On The Conversation Between Salzmann, Perasso, & Aaron
‘Even if the opinions in Perasso and Aaron’s article widely perceived as correct, they are still political opinions.’
LTE: A Letter On Transgender Day Of Remembrance
‘This Thursday, Nov. 19, is Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual international commemoration day.’
LTE: In Response To Karl Salzmann’s Letters To ‘The Heights’
‘But, I love that he can speak. I love that he’s able, and apparently more than a little eager, to use his voice.’
LTE: A Letter From The Executive Council Of UGBC
‘We as the Executive Council of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College place a high value on the free expression of ideas and therefore applaud the intentions of our community in executing these programs.’
LTE: A Letter From Eradicate #BostonCollegeRacism
‘Acknowledging these errors, we are more deeply concerned about Mr. Dunn’s misrepresentation of institutional racism at BC.’
LTE: A Letter From The Provost Office And Student Affairs
‘During this time, there have been many substantive discussions on issues of race, diversity and inclusion that have helped to shape discourse and influence decisions in our collective efforts to make BC a more welcoming and inclusive community.’
LTE: Salzmann Responds To ‘The Only Race We Should Be Talking About Is NASCAR’
‘In its own way, though, Mr. Perasso and Mr. Aaron’s LTE is even crueler and more uniformed than the comments.’