The University is not on board with Pope Francis’s Encyclical—a move consistent with BC’s lackluster stances on important, activist issues.
LTE: Letter In Response To VPSA Barb Jones
Another letter that responds to the previous letter to the editor from Barb Jones on divestment.
LTE: A Letter From Chris Marchese To Barb Jones
In response to a recent Letter to the Editor from Vice President of Student Affairs Barbs Jones, Chris Marchese has a statement to make about free speech on BC’s campus.
LTE: A Letter On Climate Justice From VPSA Barb Jones
A letter from Barb Jones on the recent unrest and calls to action on campus stirred up by Climate Justice.
LTE: Letter From Climate Justice At Boston College
Climate Justice at Boston College comments on the most recent protest that happened on campus—one that saw the participation of 150.
LTE: Chris Marchese Writes That Breach of Contract Led to Sunday’s Protest
Last week, Boston College denied Climate Justice’s permit for a demonstration because the group is not yet recognized by the University. As a result, outsiders from the Boston community staged a protest on campus in favor of greater freedom of speech and divestment from fossil fuel companies this past Sunday. While I have personal reservations…
LTE: From Climate Justice On A Lunch With John Fish
Climate Justice at Boston College writes about a lunch had with The Chairman of the Boston College Board of Trustees, and the conflicts that arose.
LTE: Letter From GLC And FACES About C.A.R.E. Week
A letter from GLC and FACES regarding the importance of this weeks coming events.
LTE: Letter From Former UGBC Vice President Chris Marchese
Chris Marchese turns a critical eye towards the new promotional video released by the Boston College’s Office of News and Public Affairs.
Letter From Jerry York To Boston College Students
Jerry York asks for the students support in the coming Men’s Hockey games.