While it is admirable that BC cares so much about serving academics and University initiatives, this statement contradicts precisely what BC claims to stand for.
LTE: A Response To ‘On Choosing Homosexuality’
The recent tragedies of Mike Brown and Eric Garner shed light on an increasingly prevalent social divide present in American society: the inability of those in the majority to fully comprehend and understand the struggles and hardships of those in a particular minority. As a white male, I cannot speak about the experiences of my…
LTE: A Response To The Delay
Father Leahy, please read this, and reconsider the delay.
LTE: A Response To “Signs Of Unity At Boston College”
A letter in response to Hagop Toghramadjian’s column on issues of equality at Boston College.
LTE: The Use Of The Rising Sun Flag During Snowball Fight
A graduate of Boston College writes about feelings towards the use of the Imperial Japanese Military Flag during a student run snowball fight.
LTE From The Sociology Department
Statement is released by the Sociology Department of Boston College calling for the administration to make an announcement.
A Letter On St. Mary’s Protest From Boston College Faculty And Alumni
Over two hundred members of the BC faculty and University alumni wrote a letter in support of the protesters in St. Mary’s Hall.
Asian American Studies Program Statement on the St. Mary’s Protest
The Asian American Studies Program made its statement on the St. Mary’s Protest.
Letter From The UGBC Executive Council On ‘Black Lives Matter’
The UGBC Executive Council writes a letter to the BC community in response to the “Black Lives Matter” movement, and in support of campus demonstrations.
LTE: A Reminder About Activism
It is important that students are speaking up for what they value—it is also important for students to value progressive activism.