Letters To The Editor

Letters To The Editor, Opinions

LTE: Socio-Economic Diversity And The FAFSA

The controversy surrounding previously unclear FAFSA policies touches a nerve on the Heights. Regardless of the reasons behind the oversight, which may have made the financial aid process more difficult for some students, it is a poor reflection on BC and was rightly corrected as soon as possible. The deeper questions about socio-economic diversity at BC that this incident has raised remain unresolved.

Opinions, Letters To The Editor

LTE: Criticism Of Leahy Is Unwarranted


I read Adam DeMuro’s letter [Heights, Jan. 30] with a combination of surprise and disappointment. Some of his barbs, especially those directed at the way Jack Dunn has publicly expressed himself concerning the future of the Campus School, seem (to me, anyway) to have found their target with devastating accuracy.  But I also know Fr. Bill Leahy. To borrow Adam’s use of caps: Fr. Leahy is NOT the sort of person who would lie about something like that.

Letters To The Editor, Opinions

LTE: Three Trends That UGBC Policy Leaders Must Address


There is a gripping election in the works on the Heights. [The teams] should be paying close attention to three trends that will shape both the immediate and long-term prospects of this University. The hybridization of the sciences and humanities, the diversification of the student body, and the execution of the [Institutional] Master Plan will affect every Boston College student and Eagles to come.

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