On Nov. 18, The Heights reported on the potential creation of an advisory board to oversee new political science program(s) funded by the Koch Foundation. In reading the article, I was disappointed by the proposed advisory structure, especially considering that it is in an area that so explicitly impacts the Boston College educational experience. While…
In Response To: “Preservation Committee Passes Webster Woods Acquisition, City Council to Vote Soon”
It is already quite difficult to speak out against my own school regarding Webster Woods, especially when I want to see it expand and do well, but to see its response in a recent Newton Tab article, among others, I knew that I had to respond. Jack Dunn mentioned Boston College’s respect for students’ passion…
Letter to the Editor: In Response to: “Koch Foundation Offers Funding for Political Science”
When The Heights reported news of the Boston College political science department receiving funding from the Koch Foundation, the reaction was unsurprising. Yet, I question those who express concern that this proposal will compromise BC’s Jesuit mission and values, and academic freedom. Those in the opposition have pointed to George Mason University as a bad…
Letter to the Editor: In Response to “BC Republicans’ Choice to Invite Klavan Unproductive, Needlessly Divisive”
Throughout my four years at Boston College, The Heights alternated from being vaguely, if superciliously, tolerant of those critical of its left-wing editorial stance—to being unduly belligerent of anyone anywhere to the right of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—to (at least once, to me) being kindly apologetic for having droned out centrist and center-right voices during its belligerent…
In Response to: “To Compete with Top-Ranking Institutions, BC Should Take Koch Foundation’s Funding”
We live in an era of outsize influence of the ultra-wealthy in our institutions. Lobbying has never been so profitable and so widely used. A single large donation to a politician’s campaign often is enough to make said politician make a 180-degree turn on a policy issue. Our regulatory agencies have been captured and regularly…
Letter to the Editor: In Response to “Boston College Republicans to Host Speaker With History of Islamophobic Comments”
On Nov. 5, Boston College Republicans brought Andrew Klavan, a prominent journalist, to our campus as a speaker on the topic “The Art of Being Free.” The AHANA+ Leadership Council believes many clubs and organizations bring speakers to our campus on a regular basis to express different points of view that enrich our community. We welcome…
In Response to: “Koch Foundation Offers Funding for Political Science”
To the Editor: I was deeply disappointed to read that the political science department (of which I am a graduate) is considering a proposal to take funding from the Koch Foundation. I treasure the time I spent at Boston College and the intellectual development fostered by the professors of that department. They have had a…
LTE: In Response to “Leahy Addresses Faculty at Convocation”
We, the members of Climate Justice at Boston College, read the August 29 article about Fr. Leahy’s convocation address with hope. We applaud Fr. Leahy’s stated commitment to BC’s “long-standing Jesuit Catholic heritage” and to meeting global challenges that Catholic universities, as Fr. Leahy notes, are uniquely positioned to help confront. Yet we also recognize…
Letter to the Editor: In Response to “The New England Classic Calls for Abolition of UGBC”
“The vast majority of UGBC’s advocacy work, however, is done by ALC, GLC, and CSD, which is often forgotten in the midst of Senate elections and debates that do nothing for the student body.”
Letter to the Editor: In Response to “A Fifty Year Love Story: Jeff and Margaret Flagg”
“You’ve meant so much to me and to all of us who have been in your classes.”