“If we want to continue to grow as a Boston College community it is important that we do not hide behind what is perceived as Jesuit ideals and other kinds of groupthink and think for ourselves.”
LTE: A Response to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future’”
“The bible solely existing as a piece of literature notwithstanding, it is hypocritical to claim that traditional marriage is vindicated in the bible and therefore rationalizes oppression of marginalized communities.”
LTE: A Response to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“To queer folks directly, you belong at BC. Plain and simple: you belong here.”
LTE: A Response to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“It is important to remember that the push for a LGBTQ+ resource center stems from the desire to have a safe space for queer students where resources are centralized and made easily-accessible.”
LTE: Theology Professor Responds to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“If Catholic colleges need anything, they need resources to articulate a Catholic position in a way that assists personal growth and a sense of calling.”
LTE: A Response to “Looking Forward to a Progressive Future”
“Father Leahy and BC are merely exhibiting the very Jesuit ideals this University was founded upon in 1863,” writes Dietrich in her letter.
LTE: BCAAUP Chapter Endorses BC Graduate Employees Union
“The Boston College chapter of the American Association of University Professors endorses the unionization efforts of BC Graduate Employees Union-United Auto Workers.”
LTE: A Letter from Faculty for Justice in Support of BC Graduate Employees Union
“We further urge the administration to adopt a principled position of neutrality toward the electoral process and to respect the BC graduate workers’ right to decide for themselves whether or not unionization is appropriate and beneficial.”
LTE: A Response to “BCPD Does Not Report Student’s Alleged Sexual Assault in September”
“While we can reasonably assume that riding in an UBER, a LYFT, a taxi or the MBTA may have inherent dangers, general statements to the community about these risks do not meet the ‘serious and continuing threat’ requirements of the Clery Act. I believe this can be a point of confusion for some in our community.”
LTE: In Support of Professor Aspen Brinton
We are writing in support of Professor Aspen Brinton of the Philosophy Department and the International Studies Program, whose contract was not renewed by Boston College based on the decision of the Philosophy Department. We as students have all had very positive experiences in her courses this semester. She has helped us to grow intellectually…