“The new AD must be driven to competitiveness in the program’s conferences with the full backing of the administration and the Board of Trustees.”
LTE: A Response to the Sanctions of Eradicate BC Racism Members
“It is essential that all those who believe in liberty and justice for all demand liberty and justice for Eradicate.”
LTE: A Response to “A Taste of Southern Charm”
“This continued encouragement to question stereotypes and seek the truth is the way to break down the common misrepresentations in our world.”
LTE: A Response to “Former President of Ireland Talks Climate Justice and Human Rights”
“Put simply: We are faced with a crisis, and on March 13th, a former president told us exactly what to do about it.”
LTE: A Response to “A Pair of Confusing Candidates”
“After reading a column in The Heights by Rachel Loos, I need to respond to this opinionated article.”
LTE: A Response to “Socialism Is the Solution”
“Co-ops are not the only way.”
LTE: A Letter From Campus Ministry to Students
“Ms. Freeman rightfully points out the uniqueness of our time, and that in our response, we shouldn’t have to stand alone. Together, let us see that at BC, we don’t.”
LTE: Another Response to “The Outdated ‘Dating Assignment'”
“In the end, the cardinal sin of the hookup culture is not sexual promiscuity; it’s aiming too low.”
LTE: A Response From UGBC EVP Candidate Defending Character
“While I know this is an intense time with the elections on campus, I ask for all students and other campaign teams who agree or disagree with our message to do so out of respect.”
LTE: In Response to the “Disparaging” Critiques of Raymond Mancini
“I challenge the team of Ray Mancini and Matt Batsinelas to actively listen to their LGBTQ friends and students from all walks of life instead of promoting their new cyber-bully-victims narrative.”