“Marketing to college students presents a significant challenge that will require more than a few solutions to overcome.”
Who Would Be Your Dream Headliner for Next Year’s Stokes Set?
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students who their dream headliner for next year’s Stokes Set would be. Featured Image by Margaux Eckert
When Unregistered Means Unwanted
“We all deserve the right to voice our opinions. Forcing students to get approval for demonstrations is effectively censoring us, and we need spaces that are available for everyone to voice their ideas.”
LTE: GLBTQ+ Leadership Council Responds to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“If we want to continue to grow as a Boston College community it is important that we do not hide behind what is perceived as Jesuit ideals and other kinds of groupthink and think for ourselves.”
LTE: A Response to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future’”
“The bible solely existing as a piece of literature notwithstanding, it is hypocritical to claim that traditional marriage is vindicated in the bible and therefore rationalizes oppression of marginalized communities.”
LTE: A Response to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“To queer folks directly, you belong at BC. Plain and simple: you belong here.”
LTE: A Response to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“It is important to remember that the push for a LGBTQ+ resource center stems from the desire to have a safe space for queer students where resources are centralized and made easily-accessible.”
Seasoning Myself With Culture
“If you aren’t ready to learn their whole life story, maybe just stick with ‘What’s your major?’”
LTE: Theology Professor Responds to “LTE: A Response to ‘Looking Forward to a Progressive Future'”
“If Catholic colleges need anything, they need resources to articulate a Catholic position in a way that assists personal growth and a sense of calling.”
Channelling the Creativity of Children
“We must slow down and breathe life in through all of our senses, the way that a wonderstruck child would.”