“Father Leahy and BC are merely exhibiting the very Jesuit ideals this University was founded upon in 1863,” writes Dietrich in her letter.
Answering Public Diplomacy 2.0’s Call
“American Boston College students, whether they like it or not, represent the U.S. while they study abroad.”
Looking Forward to a Progressive Future
“Now, with the enactment of the new 10-year plan, the establishment of an LGBTQ+ resource center should be one of the BC’s primary directives in addressing the aforementioned challenges.”
Our Thoughts With the Victims in Marseille
“The editorial board of The Heights wishes to express our thoughts and prayers to the four Boston College students attacked by acid in Marseille.”
BC Graduate Employees Union Must Seek Consensus
“Strong supporters of the union will need to reach across the aisle in order to accomplish their agenda.”
Time for Tailgates: TU/TD
The pagans of the BC general population are given the opportunity to have their fun, and I hope that the priests forgive them, for they know not what they do.
If BC Was a Food, What Would It Be?
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students if BC was a food, what it would be. Featured Image by Margaux Eckert
Learning to Fall off the Lamppost
“I may not have been able to climb the pole that day, but my efforts reminded me of how much I have to enjoy by being on this campus, how much I have yet to try and to discover.”
The Ripple Effect and Positive Empathy
“What if we decided to intentionally internalize other people’s positivity, instead of subconsciously absorbing their stress?”
Embracing the Legacy of My Siblings
“At a school of over 9,000 undergraduate students and over 200 organizations, my siblings’ and my paths have overlapped at different points in time, and this has made my experience here richer.”