“It is so easy to take what we see and hear as the truth, allow it to take root, and grow in our minds until it becomes a fully formed opinion or belief. These are the seeds of prejudice, the beginnings of immigration bans.”
Overcoming the Fear of Writing
“In truth, writing should not be a source of fear. Though it might seem daunting, taking a creative writing class at BC can help alleviate this fear.”
What Has Impressed You the Most About BC So Far?
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked admitted students what has impressed them most about BC so far. [aesop_gallery id=”132605″ revealfx=”off”] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert
New Investments and Innovations Will Put BC on Top
“Boston College has recently announced a series of commendable investments and innovations.”
Trying Hard and Being Hungry: TU/TD
At around 7:57 p.m. (although the website says 8:00), BC dining closes its doors in Mac. The sliding doors come together prematurely and suddenly, and hungry students hoping to sneak in at the last minute and eat a dinner not consisting of fried foods often have their spirits crushed at the sight of the gray barrier in front of them.
A Turn for the Worst
“But around junior year, all of these Jesuit ideals get cast aside as internship frenzy sets in—the psychotic scramble to find a temporary position that will pave the way for a (hopefully) lucrative career.”
The Case for Creative Funding
“There could be many more Joycesticks, but nothing can grow in a desert. The future of the creativity of BC students rests on the willingness of the administration to plant some seed money.”
No Two Calories the Same
“The idea of comparing ‘calories in’ to ‘calories out’ has been entirely oversimplified to the point of misunderstanding.”
What Is an Instrument You Wish You Could Play and Why?
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what instrument they wish they could play and why. [aesop_gallery id=”132416″ revealfx=”off”] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert
Lean On Me BC Could Potentially Offer Valuable Resource
The Heights Editorial Board believes that LOM BC is a promising alternative to an overbooked counseling system.