“This continued encouragement to question stereotypes and seek the truth is the way to break down the common misrepresentations in our world.”
Know the Money, Make the Money
“Even if artistic programs have to take an initial hit, if we understand finance, we can better fund the arts and support artists in the long run, helping the economy and providing support for intellectual and imaginative pursuits.”
Mending Attitudes and the Wage Gap
“This inequality is real, and it is harmful and insulting to half of the American population, a half that works just as hard as the other.”
What Do You Remember About Your First Cell Phone?
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what they remember about their first cell phone. [aesop_gallery id=”132011″ revealfx=”off”] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert
Romero and MLK Scholarships Promote Diversity
“At a school such as BC, where Hispanic and African-American students are historically underrepresented, programs like these two scholarships help to create a more inclusive university.”
LTE: A Response to “Former President of Ireland Talks Climate Justice and Human Rights”
“Put simply: We are faced with a crisis, and on March 13th, a former president told us exactly what to do about it.”
Sad Elephants and Existential Questions: TU/TD
It’s hard to not be caught up in everything that takes place in the present. It’s what everyone is doing, so it has to be the only thing that matters, right?
The Arrival of Disruptive Technology
“What’s certain is that these changes will bring disruption and displacement. They will test humans’ adaptability, especially since we cannot necessarily envision or conceptualize what they mean at this point in time.”
Overcoming Our Fear of Abroad
“Studying, volunteering, and teaching abroad—these are the activities that students should engage in to transcend the vices that plague society, and to help usher in a greater sense of global humanity.”
The Value of Becoming a Mentor
“Transitional years can be especially tough, but having an older member from my organization reach out to me encouraged and facilitated my growth into a more confident . . . member of the club.”