“There is no reason for BC to hesitate any longer: rename 90 after the University’s most impactful and formative figure.”
Housing Process Hell: TU/TD
Upperclassmen warned us. The signs were in the stars: 25 percent of freshmen live on CoRo.
Being a Blind Art Dealer
“Peele is using the very hype surrounding his socially conscious movie that attracts supposedly #woke people like me to turn our leering gaze back on ourselves, exposing the racism inherent in our incessant quest to appear not racist by endlessly consuming black media.”
The Dangers of a Counting Culture
“Although technology such as FitBits and calorie-counting apps can be powerful motivators to become active and eat healthily, it can also promote tracking steps, calories, and pounds in an unhealthy manner.”
Achampong and King Primed for Progress
“Achampong and King have support from all sides to push harder on free speech and make headway for student rights that have been missing in the past.”
8-Mans and Speaker Phone: TU/TD
Today is the day. All of the pent up agony and testosterone of the freshman class will soon erupt in elation … or in despair.
Are You Going to Finish That Trash?
“Like I suspect many BC students have done before, I routinely steal food from the dining halls on campus. And recently, I have even begun eating food from the garbage.”
Thank You, Fr. Monan
“Monan achieved enormous success during his time as University president, and will be commemorated for both his tangible achievements and his commitment to the Jesuit spirit that continues to inspire administrators, teachers, and students alike.”
Lynch School of Education Hires Show Promising Future
“Lynch’s decision to recruit diverse faculty members is a crucial step in improving the school’s effectiveness and progress in the modern world.”
Turkey’s Movement Toward Autocracy
“Next month’s referendum will mark a historic decision for the country. Either the already authoritarian ruler will become a fully-fledged dictator, or Turkey will have another shot at a constitutional democracy.”