“The West’s lurch to the right in recent elections might be a violent backlash to a fair perception that borders are too open or weak, but new leaders will quickly find the trends they are up against are irreversible and accelerating at a multiplying rate.”
LTE: Another Response to “The Outdated ‘Dating Assignment'”
“In the end, the cardinal sin of the hookup culture is not sexual promiscuity; it’s aiming too low.”
If You Could Have Any Animal as a Pet, What Would You Choose?
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what animal they would choose if they could have any animal as a pet. [aesop_gallery id=”129750″ revealfx=”off”] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert / Heights Staff
LTE: A Response From UGBC EVP Candidate Defending Character
“While I know this is an intense time with the elections on campus, I ask for all students and other campaign teams who agree or disagree with our message to do so out of respect.”
LTE: In Response to the “Disparaging” Critiques of Raymond Mancini
“I challenge the team of Ray Mancini and Matt Batsinelas to actively listen to their LGBTQ friends and students from all walks of life instead of promoting their new cyber-bully-victims narrative.”
Achampong and King for UGBC President, EVP
“Achampong and King bring the experience and leadership capability necessary to effectively lead UGBC and represent the interests of the student body.”
LTE: A Response to “The Outdated ‘Dating Assignment'”
“BC students are smarter, more compassionate, and more selfless than Loos thinks. People here want to participate in relationships that allow for spiritual and intellectual growth.”
Chewing on Peppermint: TU/TD
The freshman stood triumphantly as she watched the train pull out of the station, the device of her madness aboard, and never to be seen again.
The Evolution of Weight Watching
“Society should shift its focus away from diets and quick fixes, and more toward a holistic vision of weight management incorporated within everyday lifestyle choices.”
University Must Support Student Activists
“This is not a normal presidency, and BC students know it. They shouldn’t have to act alone.”