“I spent my first week at BC, a time typically filled with ice cream socials, info sessions, and icebreaker activities, trying to learn over 35 dance routines.”
Not Your President?
“I resolved to abide the outcome of the election whichever way it went, and in this way, some part of me understands the protestors’ frustrations.”
LTE: Faculty Members Respond to Trump Win
Over 200 BC faculty members signed a letter to the Boston College community responding to Trump’s election.
After Trump Win, the Political is Personal
“Many are fed up with the volume and frequency of protests and movements. I understand. I’m tired, too. But please hear us, and please try to understand.”
LTE: A Response to “En Route to Off-Campus Residence, Female Student Sexually Assaulted”
Why is it that ‘white’ people are often presumed innocent in media accounts of violence? “The other male [white], who was not directly involved in the assault…” The report states he did approach the female—perhaps he was a lookout? As a bystander, shouldn’t we hold him responsible in trying to prevent the attack? Why are…
Continuing the Fight After the Presidential Election
“Change comes slowly, in fits, in bursts, with one step forward and, maybe, a four-year leap backward. But the motivation to make this country better is still there.”
Reversing Orders For No Real Reason: TD/TU
This week, TD/TU decides to flip-switch it up to keep things original.
The Myth of a ‘Balanced’ College Life
“We all strive to live balanced lives, but we are not perfect, no matter how often we pretend to be.”
Remembering Obama’s Legacy
“While presidential legacies take some time to coalesce and policies take some time to realize their impact, I can say with confidence that history will view Obama favorably.”
Hypocrisy on Campus
“There is something very dangerous about a person who cannot tolerate other people, a person who believes that he or she has the correct view of the world, and seeks to marginalize anyone who disagrees with that view by calling them rude names or slandering their characters.”