This week’s TU/TD is full of embarrassment and pain. You’ll love it.
Eating the Frog: How to Avoid Procrastination
“According to the American Psychological Association, about 80 to 95 percent of college students procrastinate when it comes to their school work.”
The State of the Election
“As I wrote before, it ain’t over ’til it’s over, and the only poll that matters is Election Day.”
Why We Need Black Lives Matter
“It’s because we have not healed from the transatlantic slave movement that Black Lives Matter is now the legacy that we have inherited and must take time to understand.”
What Was The Worst Part Of Your Worst Date?
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what the worst part of their worst date was.
LTE: A Response to “Faculty FitBit Competition May Step Over the Line of Fair Play”
“I am writing this letter on behalf of my Walk Across Campus Challenge team, Conte Force, because we felt it was unfair to portray a dedicated BC employee as a “cheater” and/or “liar” in a public fashion through The Heights article titled “Faculty FitBit Competition May Step Over the Line of Fair Play,” written by DJ Recny.”
UGBC Financial Committee Proposal Was Misguided
“While this proposal attempted to address a valuable issue, it lacked the necessary knowledge of UGBC’s operations.”
CJBC Should Avoid Personal Attacks, Increase Professionalism
“In the future, CJBC should avoid ad hominem attacks and instead focus on determining the kinds of demonstrations, rallies, and proposals that the administration would be most likely to consider.”
A Terrifying Halloween Edition of TU/TD
This TU/TD is like 20,000 volts of pure Halloween-infused terror-juice straight to the frontal cortex.
Finding Validation in the Bathroom
“The bathroom stall’s ardent promotion of selfhood encourages an answer to the seemingly unanswerable question of our time: who are we when we’re alone?”