“Mill’s declaration that “over his body every individual is sovereign,” seems reasonable enough; that an individual should decide what he wants done to his body seems self-evident.”
The Wrong Way to Legalize Marijuana
“Supporting Question 4 on the principles of freedom and responsibility of choice was my intent, but after some research I don’t believe this ballot question presents the right path.”
What Is The Craziest Costume That You Have Seen?
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what the craziest Halloween costume they have seen is. [aesop_gallery id=”123942″] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert / Heights Staff
This Presidential Election, Vote for Progress
“BC students have to make a choice: to vote for a candidate who represents their ideals and whose policies promote inclusion, or to vote for a candidate whose rhetoric has continued to endorse xenophobia and racism.”
Bitterness and Spite: A TU/TD Examination of Various Disparate Phenomena
Darkness, vending machine coffee, and never-ending sadness all find a place in today’s TU/TD.
How We Can Learn to Grieve in Public
“We cannot always be OK, and we need to stop convincing others and ourselves that this is the case.”
Why We Must Elect Hillary
“I implore voters to not forget how gravely important it is that Hillary Clinton assumes the presidency, and not Donald Trump.”
The Need for Intellectual Diversity
“We must see the value of intellectual diversity, and place a priority on that aspect of a student body.”
What Would You Do If You Saw A Clown On Campus?
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what they would do if you saw a clown on campus. [aesop_gallery id=”123583″] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert / Heights Staff
Dreams Dreams Dreams: TU/TD Unleashes the Subconscious
This past week, we spent a lot of time sleeping to escape our troubles. This is what resulted.