“Thrive provides an important service to sophomore women and opens up a new opportunity to improve life at Boston College.”
How to Bring the Plates Back to Lower
“One possible way to encourage students to return plates that they have taken would be to designate a small unused area of dormitory trash rooms for dining hall plates.”
What Is Your Favorite Lunch Spot On Campus?
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices in the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what their favorite lunch spot on campus is. [aesop_gallery id=”123398″] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert / Heights Staff
Unblinking: Staring Down This Election
“My transition to womanhood has been an education in accepting discomfort.”
We Need Women in the Workforce
“The entry of women into the workforce has also tended to increase the GDP of countries and expanded sectors of economic growth.”
A Dumbed-Down Democracy
“If a voter won’t show up to the polls and a citizen can’t pass a ninth-grade civics test, why would either care what Congress is up to?”
What’s Your Favorite Restaurant In Boston?
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices in the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what their favorite restaurant in Boston is. [aesop_gallery id=”123060″] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert / Heights Staff
A TU/TD Breakfast
Do you enjoy eating food in the morning? Then you will definitely relate to every single word of this.
Own It Summit Speaker Brings Positive New Perspective
“This year’s speaker brings an activist background with a history of pursuing social justice. This new perspective offers women at Boston College another view from that presented in years past, a view that they can benefit from.”
New Lockdown Software Can Improve Test-Taking
“In the future, BC should continue to explore the use of this new software and determine which classes and test-taking situations are best-suited for it, which should hopefully reduce waste and improve efficiency.”