“We can escape from ourselves and be whoever we want to be. But what if we could feel like this the other 364 days of the year?”
Promoting BC Diversity
“We have the answer to resolving the diversity question at BC. I think we just have to value this question as being important enough to resolve and give it the attention it deserves.”
The Future of the GOP
“The Republican Party will exist as long as the conservative impulse exists in even a few of us.”
Swift Talk Continues Pattern of Female Political Role Models
“While listening to the incessant banter and the brain-melting talking points, it can be easy for students to decide to abandon the world of politics all together. For this reason, it is important that college students are presented with positive and constructive political role models.”
Despite Theme of Silence, CJBC Re-Sparks Conversation
“Holding events furthers awareness and discussion on campus and prevents the problems from flying under the radar.”
Considering Catholic Education
“Question 2 will decide the direction of the Massachusetts public school system, but it won’t clear that waiting list and it won’t be a salve for the misgivings of many toward their district schools. I hope all these families remember there is a third and worthwhile option worth investigating.”
The Problem of Shaming
“Because, while nobody has the ability to make a woman change her clothing, people do have the ability to shame, and shame is the most cutting form of denigration.”
What to Change About BC Dining
“Virtually every other school in the United States has a buffet dining system based on “swipes,” where a student pays for a certain number of entrance charges that grant him or her access to an unlimited amount of food after paying a base price.”
What Would You Include If You Were A Tour Guide?
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what they would include if they were tour guides. [aesop_gallery id=”122782″] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert / Heights Staff