Joshua Holtz responds to Ryan Duffy’s Column “A GOP in Jeopardy”
Broadening Our Minds on Campus
“Intellectual humility, curiosity, and imagination are required to seek out and fully understand other views.”
From Strangers to Family
“I could have learned to love Venice and found all the beauty in my time abroad on my own, but when the best experiences in life are shared with friends, they take on a new life”
The Challenge of White Supremacy on College Campuses
“White bodies can be in the same physical space as nonwhite bodies and yet these two sorts of bodies can experience that identical environment in sometimes radically different ways.”
Operation Dark Clock: A TU/TD Investigation
The Thumbmeister unveils the shocking truth behind the shadowy haze of hazy shadows. And clocks.
“What Is Your Dream Job?”
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices From The Dustbowl,’ we asked students what their dream job is. [aesop_gallery id=”119610″] Featured Image by Margaux Eckert / Heights Staff
Break-ins Must be Addressed for Off-Campus Student Safety
Although the importance of locking doors and windows was mentioned, it is necessary to further address the dangers that students encounter off campus.
ASAP Support Line is Good Way to Reach Students
As the year goes by, ASAP should continue to search for the best way to reach students and build on the progress brought about by this support line.
The Return of the Thumb
TU/TD is back and better than ever with a wacky new cast of characters, a hilarious stock of poop jokes, and a probing study of human loss in the post-technical age.
Finding Creativity in the Kitchen
“I try not to give in to food snobbery, but I can’t help thinking that Blue Apron has taken art and creativity out of the kitchen.”