Cows? Thumbs? Questions? Answers?
Before the Last Year at BC, a Reflection on Roads Not Taken
It’s a personal choice, and different for each individual, but I am confident at this point in the semester in my decision to stay at BC. I think about the new relationships I’ve formed. I think about the fear, sadness, anxiety, and pain that I’ve learned to overcome on my own.
‘What’s the Coolest Thing You’ve Done at BC?’
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students, ‘what’s the coolest thing you’ve done at BC?’
LTE: A Response to “The End of Democracy”
“Though I have no desire to get myself again entangled in something like the relentless back-and-forth inspired by my LTEs on race issues earlier this year, Mr. Behrens’s piece is so extraordinary that I can’t help but write.”
Dance Marathon Efforts Should Continue, Expand
“The event should be adjusted to bring in a greater number of students in the future.”
BCEMS Performed Admirably at This Year’s Marathon
“BC EMS handled the more high-pressure situation very well, assisting students professionally and taking care of the various medical issues brought about by the Marathon.”
Learning Respect, One Scoop at a Time
“Get a low-paying, low-dignity job. You will be exposed to more service than you could have ever dreamed.”
Divestment is the Best Option
“Divestment is a bold first move, despite the staggering challenges humanity collectively faces and the fact that there is an unsure path of how exactly to solve it.”
Saving the Republican Party
“As counterintuitive as it may seem, picking either Cruz or Trump in the long run is likely to help moderate Republicans in the future, by showing those on the far right that their extreme candidates cannot win a general election.”