In this Thursday’s edition of “Voices from the Dustbowl,” we asked students, “if a ginger has a beard, does that make him a redneck?”
PEPS Event Gets Results, System Still Needs Update
“PEPS is old and needs a full revamp before it can once again become a tool frequently used by students during registration.”
Resilience Project Sends Dangerous Message
“BC should take the lead among universities in expanding counseling services and rising to meet the demand.”
How Art Therapy Helped Heal My Sister
“Art therapy helps patients and their families feel in-control while most areas of their lives are out of control.”
Saving the Original BC
“Industry and necessity gutted the innards of BC’s humble original campus.”
Don’t Let Fear Cast Your Vote
“The possibility of fire and brimstone is as unlikely as it ever was and, on top of that, the United States has an unbroken record of success when confronting its fears, and there doesn’t seem to be anything keeping that record from continuing.”
The Thumb in the Rye
How about you walk on over and read this list??????????????????????????????????????????
‘What Is the Strangest Place You’ve Ever Woken Up?
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students, ‘what is the strangest place you’ve ever woken up?’
LTE: A Response to “BC Faculty Donated Exclusively to Democratic Campaigns in 2014-15”
“I guess freedom of thought is alive and well at BC, as long as the freedom of thought supports the Democratic Party.”
Own It Summit Format Could Be Adopted For Other Groups
“This formula and format has proven successful with this year’s summit and its tripled participation rates. Applying it to these other student interest groups would help develop increasingly worthwhile BC events and promote these groups’ goals.”