This list is the most beautiful thing this side of the Shaggyfling River.
‘Should Leonardo DiCaprio Win an Oscar?’
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students, ‘should Leonardo DiCaprio win an Oscar?’
Recent Talks Show Importance of Diversity in Speakers
“As student groups consider possible speakers, they should keep in the mind the importance of diversity and the impact that a successful speaker such as Tchen can have on those who attend her talk.”
UGBC Town Hall Meeting Demonstrates Transparency
“Events like these are the outlets through which UGBC can have a strong voice at BC. The students that attended this event deserve commendation for showing an active engagement with how their student government operates.”
The Opioid Crisis: A T Ride Away
“Massachusetts has a sickness. The Commonwealth finds itself slowly succumbing to a drug epidemic that seems to have no end in sight.”
The Right Must Stop Trump
“It’s time for another candidate to step up and slap some sense into the Republican primaries”
Miles Between Me and My Culture
“Over the course of my first semester at BC, I felt this intense desire to make up for the sheer amount of self-loathing and discrimination that I had buried within myself for so long.”
New Athletic Facilities Will Increase Prestige
“This proposal is a worthwhile use of donation money that would greatly improve the state of BC Athletics.”
Conduct Consult Program Helps Ensure Students’ Rights
“A conduct consultant program is useful for students. As it stands, the disciplinary process often leaves students unsure of how to proceed. They do not know what they should say to their residential director, how to approach their hearing, and what rights they have. A trained consultant is a simple way of confronting this and preparing students. “