I actually enjoyed Mr. Behrens’s piece; political discourse is always good. Naturally, I don’t agree, either practically or philosophically, and I’ll try to lay out my reasons here.
Voting and Falling Down Some Stairs
Thumbs Up Absentee Ballots – Sometimes we gaze around our classes, listening to our fellow students spout idiotic, badly thought-out half-truths, and realize that these people are going to be able to vote. The kid with the half-shaved head and the nasally voice who preaches moral relativism to a painfully uninterested class is going to…
Visiting Nicaragua: The Bitter Reality
Our week in Managua was not a vacation, nor was it a service trip—it was a much-needed encounter with the real world. We came back feeling bitter, furious, and woken-up.
A 1/292 Chance of Being Happy?
We are so desperate to improve the quality of our lives—our happiness—that we unconsciously ignore the numbers. It is our innate hope that creates optimists instead of realists.
In Support of the Iran Nuclear Deal
While it is not a perfect solution, it is plain to see that the deal achieves the primary goal of the international community: preventing Iran from building nuclear weapons, and preventing a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
A Broad Perspective: Memories From a Semester at Home
People often hear stories of juniors who studied abroad. But what about the juniors who decided to stay at BC?
This is Holy Ground: A Message to the Class of 2016
Nick Genovese muses over the holy mission of Boston College and offers words of advice to the Class of 2016.
Congratulations to Jerry York on 1,000 Wins
York has spent the past 22 years representing the best of the University both on and off the ice, ensuring excellence from both himself and his teams.
A Response to “Why Bernie Sanders’ Policies Make Sense.”
It is not surprising to see Boston College students “Feeling the Bern,” but I believe Mr. Behrens’s column supporting Sanders misses a few points.
Promoting the Bookstore Price Matching Program
The program encourages students to shop at BC by incentivizing them. Now, when the Bookstore matches an online price, students will be able to receive their books immediately and save shipping costs.