It is good to see the Athletic Department supporting the athletes who work constantly toward its betterment.
The Dawn of Winter and Banned Hoverboards
With the start of a new semester comes a bevy of options. The entire world is our oyster here at Boston College. Get straight A’s? Read Ulysses? Join a new club? Make a new friend? Prove to the world that your existence matters? It all seems possible in this first week.
The Effects of BC Exceptionalism
To “Eradicate Boston College Racism,” as the campus’s most recent wave of student activism has urged us to do, demands we investigate the very architecture of a BC education. This certainly extends to policy and curriculum decisions made at the top, but it does not stop there.
Confronting Your True Self
Like so many other well-meaning BC students, I had become over-involved, trapped in that room of mirrors in an effort to play every role.
Why Bernie Sanders’ Policies Make Sense
The ‘socialist’ policies of Bernie Sanders make economic sense. His proposals will save money, increase the freedom of businesses, and encourage entrepreneurship.
‘If You Had Won the Powerball, What’s the First Thing You Would’ve Done?’
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students, ‘if you had won the Powerball, what’s the first thing you would’ve done?’
The Case For A BCEMS Ambulance
It’s only going to be a matter of time before our EMS system comes under scrutiny because of its inability to get emergency transport help to a student in a timely manner. Is it really going to take a serious injury, or even a death, for changes to be made?
Safe Space And Making the Rules
Safe spaces and protests demanding racial justice are the only options for students of color who have been offered no other means of effectively having their voices heard and impacting university policies.
The Christmas Crisis
There needs to be a distinction between Christmas as a commercial holiday and Christmas as a religious holiday. The religious holiday should be celebrated by Christians at Mass and in their homes, but by no means on the side of a Starbucks cup.
BCPD and Campus Rec Join Together in Charitable Effort
Two campus organizations, completely separate in function, joining together to raise money for a charity exemplifies the kind of charitable spirit that a Jesuit education is meant to foster. The people who give their time, effort, and resources to Toys for Tots deserve to be commended for helping to start, and build, this impressive charitable effort.