Thumbs Up O’Neill Plaza Christmas Tree – As you walk across campus during these last two weeks, head held low, tears dripping down your shame-flushed cheeks, knowing you still have three final papers, five tests and two group projects to deal with, it’s nice to see this occasional reminder that Winter Break is just around…
‘What’s The Weirdest Thing You’ve Ever Asked Siri?’
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices From The Dustbowl,’ we asked students, “What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever asked Siri?”
Housing and Finding Friendship
Starting freshman year, friends are segmented by living arrangements. If we want to find the people we get along with the best, we have to actively seek them out.
Finding Leverage: The State of Protest at BC
In recent years, student activists have experienced difficulty engaging wide participation from students on issues regarding race, and therefore their requests for greater faculty diversity have lacked clout.
Kobe Bryant: Hero or Villain?
Kobe Bryant: the most polarizing athlete of our generation, you either love him or you hate him.
LTE: A Letter On Institutional Racism
‘The thing is, this isn’t about Jack Dunn, or any other individual administrator at BC. It’s about an institution that normalizes and advantages whiteness in policy and in practice.’
LTE: Another Response To The Review Of Big Love
‘The article does nothing to promote genuinely intellectual analysis of a piece of art that we struggle to provide to the Boston College community.’
LTE: A Response To The Review Of Big Love
‘We ask that writers of The Heights have an understanding of the technical terms of theatre before pursuing reviews of our productions. It is apparent Ford lacks such understanding.’
What I Think Of When I Think Of Islam
The age of Islamophobia needs to end, or we will continue shutting good people out.
The Other Side Of The Gender Gap
‘Because men enjoy so many political, legal, and social privileges just by virtue of their sex, it may seem odd to hear that males of the world are in fact in a state of disarray, one that is cause for immense worry.’