Even though the end is coming near, there’s still more room to grow at Boston College, seniors.
Getting The Facts On Aspartame
The well-known chemical that might be well-known for the wrong reasons.
LTE: A Letter From The Executive Council Of UGBC
‘We as the Executive Council of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College place a high value on the free expression of ideas and therefore applaud the intentions of our community in executing these programs.’
‘If You Could Spend $1000 On Any Store, Which One Would It Be?’
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices From The Dustbowl,’ we asked students what store they would pick for a $1000 spending spree.
LTE: A Letter From Eradicate #BostonCollegeRacism
‘Acknowledging these errors, we are more deeply concerned about Mr. Dunn’s misrepresentation of institutional racism at BC.’
LTE: A Letter From The Provost Office And Student Affairs
‘During this time, there have been many substantive discussions on issues of race, diversity and inclusion that have helped to shape discourse and influence decisions in our collective efforts to make BC a more welcoming and inclusive community.’
Film On BC Employees Opens Up World To Students
‘The impact of this lies in the fact that it showcases stories little known by students.’
Campus Posters Expanding Conversations On Sexual Assault
Taking to public space, the conversation on sexual assault on college campuses gets a new level of exposure.
Analyzing Stereotypes, A Slippery Slope
‘There is a line that divides these these two cases, as the basketball captain’s actions could be defended while the police officer’s cannot.’
Raise Your Hand, Will You?
We all understand the fear associated with asking a question, but the fear of not asking the question should be what we pay more attention to.