The CWBC aims to shape the future of BC via engagement of women on campus.
‘What Is Your Favorite Movie Line?’
In this Thursday’s edition of ‘Voices From The Dustbowl,’ we asked students what their favorite movie quote of all time was.
What Makes Up Identity
Identity includes ethnicity, culture, and nationality—just one word to describe someone is never sufficient. You need more than that.
LTE: The Only Race We Should Be Talking About Is NASCAR
‘I don’t want to belabor the irony that Eagles are sent out to “set the world aflame” might have forgotten to light a match on their own campus.’
Question Is True Wisdom And True Learning
The prospect of questioning everything you believe can be terrifying, but the consequence of not asking questions is even scarier.
Why You Cannot Escaping Feeling Grief
It’s not about escaping the feelings of grief, remorse, and sadness—it’s about embracing them.
Retreat Reflections: Freshman Describes 48 Hours Experience
A BC freshman new to retreating details her experience on 48 Hours.
A Call For Increased Weekend Study Hours And Locations At BC
A BC sophomore explains the University’s need for increased library and academic building hours on weekends, specifically during midterm season.
LTE: A Letter From Eradicate #BostonCollegeRacism
An open letter from the members of Eradicate #BostonCollegeRacism.
Programming For Wounded Soldiers Would Work At BC
A new program that would pair up student-athletes with wounded soldiers would find a place on BC’s campus.