A senior who transferred as a sophomore discusses the differences between Boston College and the University of South Carolina.
Lower Live Livens Up With Music Guild Performances
The performances outside of Corcoran Commons this past Thursday night was a success for the Music Guild, and should continue to be replicated in the future.
Light The World Campaign Achieves Success Earlier Than Expected
A very successful fundraiser for the University should mean a continued focus by BC on the state of financial aid.
LTE: Boston College Does Not Stand In Solidarity With Pope On Climate Justice
The University is not on board with Pope Francis’s Encyclical—a move consistent with BC’s lackluster stances on important, activist issues.
Between Privilege, My Son, And Me
Dear son, I hope you’re better than I am, and I hope that you keep out of the ignorant elite mindset.
Childhood Crisis As Told By My Hair
You can’t control your hair—but whether your embrace it or not is in your control, and it sure says a lot about how comfortable you are with yourself.
Life After The Affordable Care Act
The reality of the Affordable Care act being upheld is that the ever-volatile political winds in Washington remain in the favor of the Democrats and the Obama Administration.
Perpetuating Apathy: Why Millennials Are Losing Faith In Politics
A look at technology’s effect on younger generations’ political apathy.
‘What Is Your Favorite Johnny Depp Character?’
In this week’s edition of ‘Voices From The Dustbowl,’ we asked students who their favorite Johnny Depp character was.
BC Demonstrates High ROI In New Federal Report Card
For those concerned about BC’s financial viability, a new report from the Department of Education shows BC with a high ROI for those who graduate after receiving financial aid.