Although Ray Rice’s tendency to domestic violence is inexcusable, the NFL’s handling shows that it is money, not the mental health and rehabilitation of its players, that is important to it.
Relationships, Not Classes Or Clubs, Are What Define A College Experience
After three years at college and a couple of summers in the real world, I’ve learned that it is not one’s GPA or full calendar that makes a college experience worthwhile, but the relationships that one builds.
The Belfast Project That Students Forgot
Student apathy toward the Belfast Project, an important oral history project over the Troubles in Northern Ireland, as the legal battles over it unfolded is disconcerting.
Union, Bears, And Celebrity Divorces
In this Monday’s TU/TD, we digest Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger’s divorce, critique the Secret Service, and celebrate apple juice. All in a day’s work.
Jameis Winston And The Responsibilities Of Stardom
Stars are only stars because we deem them so—those who complain about being idealized are the direct recipients of the public’s esteem.
A Two-Week Grace Period
The first two-weeks of a semester abroad can be everything from exciting to stressful, but the emotional roller coaster is to be expected.
My Struggle With ISIS
One student’s struggle begins with fear of the group and ends in her confidence about making a change.
Returning To BC And The Art Of Up-Shifting
After summer, it takes focus and attention to shift back into the mode of classes, dorms, and BC life.
BC Makes New Investment In Teaching Excellence
The new Center for Teaching Excellence creates a central location on campus with resources and training for professors and graduate students to create a better classroom experience.
The Possible Effects Of Net Neutrality’s End
The FCC is currently in the process of determining new regulations, which could radically change how the Internet functions and affect the everyday lives of all BC students.