
Opinions, Editorials

NOTH Dance’s Name Exhibited Poor Taste

By: The Heights Editorial Board

On Friday evening, Nights on the Heights (NOTH), in conjunction with Global Zero and Electronic State of Mind, hosted a dance titled “Drop Beats not Bombs.” In light of the bombings at last year’s Boston Marathon, this choice of title showed extremely poor taste.

Opinions, Column

Reflecting On A Slogan

By: Kimberly Crowley

I remember exactly what I was doing when I found out that something terrible had happened during last year’s Boston Marathon. Since I was studying abroad in Beijing, my situation was a little bit different from the norm. When I returned to the U.S., I was pleased to learn that  the sentiment of support, love, and friendship had been nicely wrapped up in a new mantra-“Boston Strong.” I was proud of Boston and how it had responded. Unfortunately, I can’t say that I have continuously been impressed with or proud of how “Boston Strong” has been used in the year since the incident

Opinions, Column

April 14 Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

Thumbs Up Brighton Campus – Sometimes, we think that this part of Boston College’s campus does not get the love it deserves. On this past beautiful, sunny Saturday, we took a brief foray onto those wonderfully green grounds, and the campus was mostly deserted. Sure, there were a few groups of students here and there,…

Opinions, Editorials

System Changes Make Class Registration Easier

By: The Heights Editorial Board

The University announced last fall that the course numbering system was going to change from the two-letter, three-number system to a new four-letter, four-number Kuali catalog management system beginning with the Fall 2014 semester. Although class registration is still done through the UIS system, the platform for searching for courses has been updated and is a significant improvement from the old system.

Opinions, Column

A Tale Of Two Immigrants

By: Jovani Hernandez

In the time it took to write this paragraph, three people have been detained for illegal entry on the border between Mexico and the U.S. Once, two of these people were my parents.

Opinions, Column

Congress And ‘Cards’

By: Emma Vitale

Frank Underwood, of the Netflix hit-series House of Cards, is the kind of politician you hope doesn’t actually exist in the reality. He is ruthless, stopping at nothing-bribery, intimidation tactics, deception, and even murder-to get where he wants and what he wants.

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