
Opinions, Editorials

University Must Improve Accessibility On Campus

By: The Heights Editorial Board

The issue of accessibility for students with disabilities has recently become much more visible on campus, after the art gallery in Bapst was closed a few weeks ago. One of Boston College’s strengths is its commitment to service, opportunity, and equal access, and it is crucial that the University works to uphold this much-vaunted principle in deed as well as word.

Column, Opinions

Iran And The World Around You

By: Emma Vitale

If you’re unfamiliar with Iran’s recent history, the only thing you probably know about the nation is what has been in the news in the past few months-the supposed dangers of its nuclear program and the discussions about it. It’s unfortunate that this issue is what is characterizing knowledge and opinions of Iran, because there is so much more to the country than its pursuit of (allegedly peaceful) nuclear energy.

Column, Opinions

Considering The Culture

By: Jovani Hernandez

Although the world of higher education poses academic challenges that develop one’s critical thinking, a more significant challenge students confront is one that tests their grasp on the environment from which they come.

Column, Opinions

The Spiritual Vs. Religious Debate

By: Patrick Angiolillo

A quick Google search for the phrase “spiritual but not religious” yields a list of varied results-everything from webpages espousing spiritual aid, to humanist chaplains writing on how to be good without God, to religious advocates warning against the dichotomy of spirituality and religion, to a host of popular media sites, each with its respective columnists and pundits popping opinions left and right.

Opinions, Column

Responsible Feminism

By: Tiffany Ashtoncourt

Although the suffrage and the 1960s feminist movements gave American women both the civil freedom and equality for which they long yearned, it did not eradicate the subconscious belief that being a woman is an impediment meant to be overcome. In fact, the idea of feminism has become so misconstrued that we are now grappling with three unintentional repercussions that are simultaneously hampering women’s progress in society, eroding childhood for a generation of girls, and leaving them confused on what it means to be a successful woman today.

Opinions, Letters To The Editor

LTE: Gratitude For The Pep Band


This letter is a huge shout out to the Boston College Pep Band for the fine way it has welcomed my 5-year-old son into their midst. Last year, my younger son took an interest in the Pep Band and we would visit them regularly between periods. The band members were terrific, showing him their instruments and explaining to him how they worked.

Opinions, Editorials

University Must Rethink Art Space On Campus

By: The Heights Editorial Board

The University has recently closed down the student art gallery in the basement of Bapst Library because it did not meet Massachusetts’ statutory requirement for handicap access. This closure exacerbates an already problematic situation on campus-the limited amount of space available on campus for students to display their artistic creations.

Opinions, Letters To The Editor

LTE: In Support Of The Marathon


The last 13 months have been full of challenges, joy, sadness and surprises, some very good-some horrific. On April 15, 2013 evil visited our city. On that Marathon Monday, our city showed exactly what it is made of and in the ensuing year we were Boston Strong. This year, April 21 will be the day to demonstrate that we did not only come back, but are stronger than ever.

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