
Opinions, Column

Rethinking Discovery

By: Ben Olcott

The human side of the Malaysia Flight 370 story is important. It matters. It matters that 239 human beings are presently unaccounted for, and it is important to their families that they are discovered, whether that discovery entails their coming home or provides some sort of closure.

Opinions, Column

High-Stakes Russian Poker

By: Jaclyn Susskind

As the crisis in Ukraine advances, various questions and opinions have risen. A question I have asked is, why does the U.S. always seem to find itself in the middle? Then again, who else would? 

News, Column

Be A Boss And A Mom

By: Adriana Mariella

There is a dichotomy between the supposedly incompatible personas of “wife and mother” and “strong businesswoman,” not only because it is difficult to be both successfully, but also because our notions about femininity don’t permit a woman to be both. 

Opinions, Editorials

Students Should Respect Marathon Changes

The Campus School Volunteers of Boston College will not be permitted to maintain their long-standing tradition of participating in the marathon as bandit runners. As a result, the Campus School will host its own marathon on April 13, the week before the official Boston Marathon. The Campus School’s decision to host its own marathon to honor the hard work of its runners is wise and students should still support the runners.

Column, Opinions

Read, Repeat

By: Victoria Mariconti

You must work for this one. “It’s said that some time ago, a Columbia University instructor used to ask a harsh two-part question. One: ‘What book did you most dislike in the course?’ Two: ‘What intellectual or categorical flaws in you does that dislike point to?'”

Opinions, Column

Losing My Religion

By: Stephen Sikora

While I had doubts about the existence of God before entering college, I considered myself a Christian and checked off the Protestant Methodist box on my application. Still, I had some apprehension in attending Boston College-a religious, Jesuit, Catholic institution. So, it came much to my surprise that nearly as soon as I stepped on campus, my faith in Christianity and God started to wane.

Opinions, Letters To The Editor

LTE: BC Should Stand Up For Children In Judicial Process


After graduation I joined the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and I remain in the program today in my second year. After deciding to stay with JVC for a second year, I moved to Washington, D.C., where I work now for an organization called The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth. The Campaign works on behalf some of the most “othered” individuals of our society. We are the national campaign working to end the practice of sentencing children to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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