
News, Column

A Hub of Kinship

By: Adriana Mariella

Boston has long been known as an Irish city. But, however much we identify it as such, we know that Boston is not really the homogenous place it’s marketed as-it’s home to an ever-changing, ethnically diverse population of non-Irish, but nonetheless true and proud Bostonians.

Opinions, Column

The Reasons For Service

By: Patrick Angiolillo

With everyone returning to campus from Spring Break, I have already gotten word of the many service trips BC students went on during the break. Volunteering today has, however, become just a part of what many people do to get into college, to put on a resume, or to stand out as an applicant to a program or for an award. This attitude is deeply problematic. 

Opinions, Column

Reflections On Appa

By: Emma Vitale

I thought I was strong, that I could avoid it, that it wouldn’t affect me the way it has affected people in the past. But it hit me the moment I embarked on the 12-hour bus ride down to Virginia and has grown deeper every day-I’ve got the Appa high.

Opinions, Editorials

Selection Of Quigley As Provost Will Benefit BC

By: The Heights Editorial Board

David Quigley, dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, will serve as Boston College’s new provost and dean of faculties beginning on June 1, the University announced Tuesday. Quigley, who has been in his current role since 2009, has demonstrated successful leadership of A&S and is a highly qualified choice for the important position of University provost.

Opinions, Editorials

Feminist Coming Out Day Sparks Conversation

By: The Heights Editorial Board

Buttons bearing the provocative message “This is what a feminist looks like” once again appeared all over campus on Monday, marking Boston College’s second annual Feminist Coming Out Day. This year’s Feminist Coming Out Day built upon last year’s by offering a handout with the button, but more can be done in future years to engage a greater portion of the student body.

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