
Opinions, Editorials

Bystanders’ Efforts Must Lead To More Dialogue

By: The Heights Editorial Board

Jessica Stevens, A&S ’14, and Joseph Palomba, A&S ’15, who both work in the Women’s Resource Center’s Bystander Intervention program, attended a roundtable discussion with the Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault at the White House last week. This invitation is not only a testament to the important work that Stevens and Palomba are doing at Boston College, but it is also a further affirmation that sexual assault is not adequately addressed on college campuses across the U.S.

Opinions, Column


By: Jovani Hernandez

The saying goes, “Home is where the heart is,” so I can’t possibly consider Boston College a home-or so I thought.

Opinions, Column

Euthanasia And Children

By: Karel-Bart Celie

The lower house of the Belgian parliament recently voted to extend legalized euthanasia to minors. The new measure would enable terminally ill children who experience “constant and intolerable” suffering to procure euthanasia. Naturally, the proposed measure has met resistance and has been the cause of a heated debate in the small country.

News, Column

Sunrise, Sunset

By: Alex Gaynor

By not worrying as much about the future with a schedule of events and timetables, I’ve noticed that the Filipino culture is substantially more relaxed than American society.

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