
News, Column

Sharing Identity

By: Alex Gaynor

We live in a highly individualistic society in the U.S., and sometimes it may seem that the only way to live in a true community is within the microcosmic context of college campuses or intentional communities.

Opinions, Column

COLUMN: Introduction To Politics

By: Nate Fisher

Piles of fliers are being dragged down hallways around Lower Campus, and heaved into trash rooms engorged on this wasted paper. And the knocking, the I-swear-to-God if-it’s-another-one-of-them, the knocking quite literally hits home. UGBC election season is back.

Opinions, Column

COLUMN: A Different Kind Of Valentine’s Day

By: Kimberly Crowley

I’m not sure if all of my readers will feel the same way but, personally, Valentine’s Day seemed to be a much bigger deal this year. I was confused as to why Valentine’s Day had never felt this dramatic to me before this weekend. I started thinking of how I had spent Valentine’s Days past and, suddenly, had a flashback to something I had not thought about since high school. My Valentine’s Days were always special because I always had a Valentine, and he was my hero the other 364 days of the year.

Opinions, Column

COLUMN: Giving Thanks For The Campus School

By: Mary Kate Nolan

A couple of weeks ago a friend asked me to join her at a prayer service dedicated to the Campus School. She told me that the future of the Campus School was in jeopardy and that it would be a great opportunity to voice my support. I did not know much about the Campus School controversy. I decided to go to the prayer service and learn more about it.

Opinions, Editorials

The Heights’ Endorses Fiore-Chettiar & Marchese

By: The Heights Editorial Board

The Heights endorses Nanci Fiore-Chettiar and Chris Marchese, both A&S ’15, for president and executive vice president of UGBC. The Fiore-Chettiar-Marchese team’s platform offers the best and most realistic vision for Boston College’s student government in the year ahead. With well-developed plans of action for many of their platform points and extensive UGBC experience under their belts, Fiore-Chettiar and Marchese are best equipped to execute their vision for UGBC in the year ahead.

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