Journaling, once the pressure of perfection was off, came with a sense of security—nobody would have the ability to judge my thoughts.
I’m the Only Girl on a Male Floor: My Experience Navigating BC Housing as a Transgender Woman
Due to recent anti-trans laws and anti-trans rhetoric, I feel obligated to share on behalf of the transgender community a sliver of what I go through on campus and the lack of support BC’s queer community receives from the University.
Dear BC, I’m Just Doing It for the Plot
Through my desire to have an exciting plot, I have met amazing people who never make my life boring. I’ve faced challenges in my “plot” that tested my limits, but they ultimately helped me experience the world.
The Show Must Go On
I felt like I was reminiscing with a departing friend as we all sat around recounting our favorite jokes and picking which episode to watch next, knowing the show would soon exist only in my memories.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of April 2
From the Clough Colloquium’s lecture series to UGBC’s speaker sessions, Boston College has no shortage of prominent speakers showing up to campus.
Embracing Your Inner Deipnosophist: Finding New Meaning at the Dinner Table
When we act as deipnosophists, we understand the importance of talking during a meal. We take what is already great about food—both the comforting and symbolic aspects—and make it better by adding meaning to the otherwise casual, surface-level conversation.
An Ode to Shenanigans
Be completely honest with yourself for a minute, when was the last time you participated in a shenanigan? A little tomfoolery? Horseplay? I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s been a while since you let yourself have fun.
A Love Letter to Freshman Year
Although I can hardly believe it, I—like nearly 2,500 other Boston College students—am nearing the end of my freshman year.
You Might Be the A-Hole
Oftentimes, the people that wrong us—those “liars, cheaters, and backstabbers”—were once cherished people in our eyes.
‘The Heights’ Endorses Jordan Nakash and Yosan Tewelde for UGBC President and Vice President
The Heights endorses Jordan Nakash, MCAS ’24, and Yosan Tewelde, MCAS ’24, for 2023–24 Undergraduate Government of Boston College president and vice president.