In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students how they felt about the headliners for Modstock.
I Don’t Want to Borrow Sugar, I Just Want You to Shut Up
“And to the boys downstairs: I hope you all go places … far, far away from here.”
What I Would Tell My Younger Self
“I hope that one day I can look back and say, I challenged myself to study new topics and embrace opportunities, along with being a supportive and loving friend to those around me.”
A Reflection on the First Year, From a First-Year Student
“I’m happy to say that this life fits and that, even if I still don’t know what kind of adult I am going to be, I am not just wondering anymore—I’m searching.”
BC Should Have Sexual Assault Climate Survey, Annual Bystander Training
“The University should implement elements of the law, such as Bystander Intervention training all four years and a campus-wide sexual assault climate survey, whether or not the bills pass.”
There is No Non-Toxic Masculinity
“I simply believe that we should examine the traits within ourselves that we believe make us masculine and decide if they are worth keeping around.”
Moving Straws Is Great, but What About Divestment?
“Climate change is real, and it is the University’s responsibility to become a leader in fighting one of the most pressing issues facing its students’ generation.”
What Social Media Has Taught Me
“Communication has been redefined by technology and the people who use it.”
How BC’s Winning Culture Influenced Me
“While the experiences I originally used to prop up my resume have given me so much more than a title on paper, without this unyielding pressure for success, I wouldn’t have wanted them to begin with. ”
Letter to the Editor: In Response to “A Fifty Year Love Story: Jeff and Margaret Flagg”
“You’ve meant so much to me and to all of us who have been in your classes.”