“What may seem like a misfortune has a way of turning itself into a good story to laugh at and creates many memories all on its own. “
Humanities Have Value
Living in a Californian Asian American household, success was defined linearly. If an activity, major, or profession does not up the “status” of the family, I should not waste my time indulging in this thing. Thus, the options presented to me were to either become a doctor, lawyer, engineer or a CEO. My family eventually…
BC Must Change How It Handles Grief
“This lack of relief in both student and adult lives speaks to a greater problem nationwide about mounting stress.”
Black History Month 2019 is a Pivotal Step in the Right Direction
“In short, I hope that this month affirms black students, particularly those who are further marginalized within the community.”
Stop Interrupting Interruptions
“Interruption in the classroom most definitely stunts the growth of students instead of fostering it and also stalls conversation.”
Solitude is A Valuable Gift
“The ability to reserve hours for introspection while performing some passive activity, such as reading or listening to music requires much more patience than one might initially believe. “
What was the best thing that happened to you this week?
In this Monday’s edition of ‘Voices from the Dustbowl,’ we asked students what the best thing that happened to them this week was. Featured Image by Jonathon Ye
Editorial: New ED Policy Forces Students to Pick BC Over Competitors
” Overall, the decision risks alienating students for whom financial aid is a significant factor in their college choice, as well as students who attend low-resource high schools who do not have a counselor to keep up with rapid changes in BC’s admissions process. It may also lead to a more Catholic and wealthier university, limiting diversity and accessibility.”
A Different Way of Treating Mental Disorders
“Playing catch may seem like a simple task, but remember that the effort in doing so correlates to what we have learned from who we have defined as different.”
Every Student Deserves Healthy Housing
“The entire campus should work to provide the best environment for students to grow academically and personally, and a part of that is having a ‘home’ in which they are comfortable.”