Thumbs Up: Voting! We cannot stress this enough: Please vote! Your voice matters, and this may be one of the most important elections in our lifetime. If you can vote, then it is your civic responsibility to do so. If you’re voting in-person on election day in Massachusetts, polls open anywhere from 5:45 am to 7 am and close at 8 pm.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: 10/20
Thumbs Down: People Who Don’t Like Candy Corn
This thumbs down is kind of a double negative—apologies to our copy team. That being said, candy corn is literally honey-flavored nostalgia. Anyone who doesn’t like it clearly just didn’t have the proper amount of Halloween cheer as a kid. For 21+ readers, try soaking candy corn in vodka and then adding pineapple juice or club soda. You’re welcome.
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Oct. 13
Thumbs Up: Flies. Flies everywhere are really having a moment. From the national debate stage to…the national debate stage. Five years ago, could you ever have imagined that the one thing you would take away from a vice presidential debate would be that a fly landed on Mike Pence’s hair? #flygate
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down – 10/4
Thumbs up this week: Starbucks soy matchas and registering to vote. Thumbs down: The presidential debate and not knowing thanksgiving plans.
Grass, Lettuce, and UIS: TU/TD
Thumbs Up Grass – The type on the ground. Shoutout to Leahy’s grass by Stokes for making such an incredible rebound. It looked like a battlefield after College Gameday, and our pre-Thanksgiving snow day didn’t especially help it recover from its hangover, no matter how much Gatorade we could conceivably pour on it. Just weeks later,…
Thanksgiving, Bad Breaks and Distinct Traditions: TU/TD
Thumbs Up Self-Titled Albums – Oftentimes, it’s an artist’s first album. If it’s not, it probably marks some dramatic change in their sound. They’re the albums that you remember—people only ever remember other album titles if it’s a truly fantastic set of songs, and even then, it’s not a given. But self-titled albums are usually an…
Pop Punk and Previews: TU/TD
Thumbs Up Previews – Arguably the best part of any movie-going experience. Don’t tell me you don’t get a rush of excitement when you watch a trailer on a huge screen in a dark theater with a bucket of popcorn in your lap and a Coke Icee in your hand for a movie that you…
Spilling the Tea About Tea: TU/TD
Thumbs Up Tea – Tea saved my life this week. With sickness plus midterms plus my killer procrastination skills, every night needed at least one mug of tea, often more. I might have had to do a lot of dishes then, but it was worth it. It’s relaxing for a stressed mind, it’s soothing on…
One Comma, Two Comma, Red Comma, Beluga Comma: TU/TD
Their bulbous heads, unusually pigmented skin, and (notice the Oxford comma) overall happy demeanors contribute to their undeniable uniqueness and beauty compared to other sea creatures.
Never Leave Your Room: TU/TD
Thumbs Up Coco – It might be a kids’ movie, but the film has plot twists that would make Law & Order: SVU proud. When Miguel slowly turns into a skeleton as he’s stuck in the land of the dead, you get this unexpected Back to the Future vibe. The coolest part, though, is the…