Being Relatable and Re-Wearing Underwear

Being Relatable and Re-Wearing Underwear

Thumbs Up Weirdly Warm Weather – The warmth of the sun, the smell of freshly melted snow soaking into the grass, people wearing long-sleeve t-shirts and light sweaters: it all comes together to make the least seasonal beginning to February we’ve ever seen. It felt like the end of the school year, or the spring…

Plexapalooza and the Gasson Bells

Plexapalooza and the Gasson Bells

Thumbs Up Plexapalooza – Some people apparently enjoy things like this. It seems to be a successful, well-attended event. While we don’t exactly understand the appeal, we will acknowledge that there are people in the world who adore the stench of sweat and vodka, who revel in the sardine-like confinement of a gym full of…


Voting and Falling Down Some Stairs

Thumbs Up Absentee Ballots – Sometimes we gaze around our classes, listening to our fellow students spout idiotic, badly thought-out half-truths, and realize that these people are going to be able to vote.  The kid with the half-shaved head and the nasally voice who preaches moral relativism to a painfully uninterested class is going to…


Getting Through Winter with Stairs, Cheese, and Textbooks

Thumbs Up The New Stairs –  An entire year passed, a year that will live in legend, when students hoping to cross from McElroy Commons to McGuinn Hall had to descend rickety, temporary stairs. The herds of students were uncertain, and their future looked grim. Will there ever be real stairs on this small hill…

The Dawn of Winter and Banned Hoverboards

The Dawn of Winter and Banned Hoverboards

With the start of a new semester comes a bevy of options. The entire world is our oyster here at Boston College. Get straight A’s? Read Ulysses? Join a new club? Make a new friend? Prove to the world that your existence matters? It all seems possible in this first week.

TU/TD: Christmas Trees and Cathartic Lint Screens

TU/TD: Christmas Trees and Cathartic Lint Screens

 Thumbs Up O’Neill Plaza Christmas Tree – As you walk across campus during these last two weeks, head held low, tears dripping down your shame-flushed cheeks, knowing you still have three final papers, five tests and two group projects to deal with, it’s nice to see this occasional reminder that Winter Break is just around…

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