Thumbs Up: First Snow! Picture perfect and Hallmark movie–worthy, the first snow of the year at Boston College always warms students’ hearts. On Tuesday, the campus was glistened by snowflakes for the first time, even though it was unexpected after a week of record-high temperatures. It seems like even the BC students from the Northeast…
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Nov. 13
Thumbs Up: Class Friends Not all friendships are one-size-fits-all. And, certainly, not all friendships have to be your ride-or-die. We count on certain people for the different experiences of life—from our most understanding confidants to partners-in-crime who hype us up to feel like the life of the party, a chill class friend is just as…
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Nov. 6
Thumbs Up: Google Calendar If we had a dollar for every time Google Calendar saved us from a missed due date or forgotten appointment, we might actually have the funds to afford sushi at CoRo. The beloved workspace tool is simple—and definitely not underground—but November chaos grants appreciation for the simple things that make our…
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Oct. 30
Thumbs Up: Normalize Trick-or-Treating in College It seemed like this year, Halloween celebrations were a saving grace after a grueling week. While partying our hearts out was a great way to escape weekday stress, we think that vibes would be elevated if society accepted college students trick-or-treating as a typical Halloweekend event. It would be…
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Oct. 23
Thumbs Up: Teddy Bear Prescriptions Typical diagnoses for college students in the fall frequently include colds and allergies, but also include homesickness. Waves of nostalgia draw impacted students into daydreams of the home-grown cafes and landmark street signs that define our hometown lives. Our advice? Remedy the home-shaped hole in your heart by keeping mementos…
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Oct. 16
Thumbs Up: Falling for Fall When autumn finally commences in Chestnut Hill, there’s no turning back to the days of summer—and we couldn’t be more thankful to witness fall on the Heights. Heaps of russet leaves dress the campus like a woodland wonderland while pumpkins are stowed on Mod front doorsteps with care and love….
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Oct. 2
Thumbs Up: Dogs at Family Weekend There’s no question that reuniting with parents and siblings during Family Weekend is one of the best feelings of fall semester. Still, the added furry friends that families bring to campus bring the smiles and wholesomeness of the entire Boston College community up a notch. Dogs wagging their tails…
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Sept. 25
Thumbs Up: Eagle’s Nest Deli Reopening If I told you that 49 percent of American adults eat a sandwich every day, would you believe me? Well, don’t take my word for it—it’s true, according to a BC Dining Instagram caption last week. With the Eagle’s Nest Deli reopening, these sandwich statistics can fly high—just like…
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down: Week of Sept. 18
Thumbs Up: The Return of TUTD At the end of last semester, we collectively shed a tear for the summer-long pause of Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down. And man, goodbyes are the worst. But now it’s the start of the new semester, so we can finally say “Out with the down and in with the up!”…
Painful Predictions: Mean-Spirited Horoscopes From a Dude Who Refuses to Believe in All of This Stuff
Aries signs, the first sign per the Zodiac philosophy (“philosophy”), are traditionally courageous and unpredictable. As much as you might boast, mustering up the courage to call for a food pickup from the guy at Crazy Dough’s doesn’t require as much confidence as you might think. If God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, you’ve been put in the reserves for the day.