You didn’t win the Heisman, and I don’t think anyone is that surprised, not even you.
Andre Williams Named Heisman Finalist
On Monday evening, Williams was announced as one of six Heisman Trophy finalists.
Bowl Opened Up to Gold Pass Holders
All Gold Pass ticket holders are eligible to receive a free ticket to Boston College football’s 2013 bowl game upon request, according to an announcement from the athletic department last night.
FOOTBALL: Country’s Top Running Backs To Faceoff In Shreveport For Bowl
After a two-season absence from college football’s bowl scene, Boston College will make its return to post-season play at the AdvoCare V100 Independence Bowl against the Pac 12’s Arizona Wildcats.
Paying It Forward In The Carrier Dome
After aggravating a shoulder injury early in the second half, Andre Williams was replaced by the freshman duo of Myles Willis and Tyler Rouse for the remainder of Saturday’s game.
Eagles Defeated On The Road In Final Regular-Season Game
The Orange scored with seconds remaining in the fourth quarter, dooming the BC football team to a 34-31 loss
Extras: Luke Kuechly Feature
Luke Kuechly is back at Boston College to work on finishing his degree, fulfilling a promise he made to his parents and Director of Football Operations Barry Gallup.
SOURCE: BC Linebacker Coach Bill McGovern To Philadelphia
Sources confirm that Bill McGovern is leaving BC to join the Philadelphia Eagles.