The project was sparked by a TikTok comment, but according to the members of Common Tones, it was a labor of love.
Bill O’Brien Hired as BC’s 37th Head Football Coach
O’Brien takes over the program just nine days after former head coach Jeff Hafley left BC to become the Green Bay Packers’ next defensive coordinator. Hafley’s final season with the Eagles ended with a 7–6 record and was capped off with a 23–14 win in the 2023 Fenway Bowl over No. 17 SMU.
BC Files Defense Against Sex and Pregnancy Discrimination Lawsuit Made by Former Professor
The Trustees of Boston College answered former BC professor Hristina Nikolova’s discrimination lawsuit against the University on Thursday, asserting that Nikolova failed to state claims for which relief could be granted.
No. 1 Eagles Downed By No. 3 BU 4–3 in First Round of 2024 Beanpot
On Monday, No. 1 Boston College men’s hockey fell to No. 3 Boston University 4–3 in the first round of the 2024 Beanpot.
Newton Teachers Association Reaches Contract, Ends Strike
After a strike that closed all Newton Public Schools for 11 days, the Newton Teachers Association reached a contract with the Newton School Committee and announced schools will reopen Monday.
Jeff Hafley Leaves BC for Green Bay Packers After Four Seasons on The Heights
Boston College football head coach Jeff Hafley is leaving the Heights after four seasons with the program to become the next defensive coordinator of the Green Bay Packers, according to a press release from BC Athletics.
Newton Parent Files Suit Against NTA
A parent filed a motion alleging the NTA strike, which has lasted eight school days, interferes with her children’s right to an education.
No. 2 BC Completes Sweep of No. 1 Boston University With 4–3 Win
On Saturday, No. 2 Boston College men’s hockey defeated No. 1 Boston University 4–3 to complete the sweep of the Terriers.
NTA Strike Fines Reduced to $50,000 a Day
A judge reduced fines against the Newton Teachers Association for its strike to $50,000 per school day until the union reaches a contract.
No. 2 Eagles Take Down No. 1 Boston University 4–1 in the 292nd Battle of Comm. Ave.
On Friday night, No. 2 Boston College men’s hockey defeated No. 1 Boston University 4–1 in the 292nd edition of the Battle of Comm. Ave.