The bottom unit of 242 Foster St. was robbed Wednesday night when the tenants were with their friends in the top unit of the house.
2150 Comm. Ave. Reaches Silver Standard for Energy Efficiency
With the construction of 2150 Comm Ave, BC adds green to its usual maroon and gold motif.
In Home Opener, Football Throttles FCS Wagner
Despite an early scare, Boston College football easily handled Wagner in its home opener at Alumni Stadium.
You’ve Got Mail? High Demand, Smaller Facilities Complicate Campus Mail Delivery
BC Mail Services are adjusting to a drastic increase in package deliveries, a reduction in facility size with the move to Walsh Hall, and students taking longer to pick up packages.
Structural Change Needed to Ease Eviction Burden on Those in Poverty, Desmond says
Matthew Desmond, a New York Times bestselling author, told BC students Wednesday that he hopes they will come to hate poverty as he does.
Queer Liberation Posters Appear in McElroy Commons, Fulton Hall
An anonymous source posted fliers reading “This Is Our School, Too” and “Queer Liberation Now” in Fulton Hall and McElroy Commons Tuesday morning.
Men Found Trespassing at 235 Foster, According to Students
Collin Witt, MCAS ’18, was lying in his room on the first floor of 235 Foster when he saw a silhouette walking back and forth in the front yard. After about 10 minutes, he opened the blinds and saw a man in a black hoodie standing in front of his window.
Extended Weekend Library Hours Expected to Begin in October
Last year’s pilot program that extended the hours of O’Neill Library on weekends has been temporarily stopped to gauge student demand.
Man Shot Outside Popular Nightclub Left in Critical Condition
An unidentified man in his 20s was shot outside of Garage, a popular nightclub in Allston, after getting in a fight in the club.
A Cappella Crowds Coalesce to Crush Cancer
Featuring the best of BC’s many a cappella gangs, this year’s A Cappella Fest led to the mingling of ’80s sounds, colorful ballads, and alternative pop in a night fueled by the purpose of a wholesome cause.