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Posts Featuring CJBC, Divestment Removed During EcoPledge Takeover of BC’s Instagram Story
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Posts Featuring CJBC, Divestment Removed During EcoPledge Takeover of BC’s Instagram Story

When EcoPledge Co-President Maureen Kelly took over the Boston College Instagram story at the Earth Day fair on Friday afternoon, no one gave her any restrictions about what content to post, she said. But when Kelly posted a video of Climate Justice at BC (CJBC) explaining its mission and advocating for BC to divest from fossil fuels, it was taken down immediately, she said.

<strong>Tragedy, Recovery, and Community: Recounting and Reflecting 10 Years After the Boston Marathon Bombing</strong>
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Tragedy, Recovery, and Community: Recounting and Reflecting 10 Years After the Boston Marathon Bombing

“In this weird twist of fate, out of something that was so evil and destructive, I got this glimpse into the really compassionate depths of humans,” Downes said. “It has supercharged me at times when I would otherwise have been really quite down and out. So I would love to find a way to bottle that all up and be able to give it to other people in their times of need as well.”

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