BC students will not have to quarantine for two weeks upon their arrival in Massachusetts if they receive a negative COVID-19 test result within three days of their return or test negatively when they arrive on campus.
New Study Calls for ‘Conversations’ Regarding Yawkey Athletics Center
A new study originally published in the Journal of Sport Management named the Yawkey Athletics Center at Boston College as one of 18 athletic facilities in the United States with ties to “honorees with questionable racist pasts.”
BC to Establish State-Certified Lab on Campus for Rapid COVID-19 Testing
BC will establish a state-certified lab on campus to analyze 200 to 300 samples daily and is securing equipment to analyze test results within one hour.
As BC Again Rejects an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, It Doesn’t Deny Donors Influence Its Policies
UGBC leaders are undergoing conversations with the University administration about ways BC can better support its students who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. While conversations are ongoing, BC has no plans to establish an LGBTQ+ resource center in the near future, according to Vice President for Student Affairs Joy Moore and Director of Student Outreach and Support Caroline Davis.
“Only Things I Want Are a Haircut And an Education”: Travel Restrictions Threaten International Students, Faculties’ Arrival
A combination of travel bans and immigration restrictions imposed by the Trump administration in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic is making it unlikely that international faculty and students will be able travel to the United States in time for the start of the fall semester.
BC Instagram Account Accused of Censoring Stories of Racism at the University
Members of the BC community are accusing the University of racist censorship after BC untagged its Instagram account from posts by @blackatbostoncollege.
BC Rejects Vatican’s Call for Divestment
BC is rejecting a recent call from the Vatican for Catholics to divest from companies and industries engaged in activities “harmful to human or social ecology” and the environment.
BC to Treat Shared Residences as ‘Family Units,’ Enact Stricter Guest Policies
Boston College released a letter on Monday providing updates on how the University is preparing for instruction and housing in the fall.
BC Outlines Plans for Returning to Campus in the Fall
Boston College released a letter on Monday detailing plans for the University to return to on-campus instruction as scheduled for the Fall semester.
BC Cancels All Fall 2020 Study Abroad Programs
Boston College has canceled all study abroad programs for the Fall 2020 semester. Students can request to be placed on a waitlist for a Spring 2021 program.