In the time it took to write this paragraph, three people have been detained for illegal entry on the border between Mex...
Congress And ‘Cards’
By: Emma Vitale
Frank Underwood, of the Netflix hit-series House of Cards, is the kind of politician you hope doesn't actually ...
Be Human, Be Alive
By: Alex Gaynor
We are often so hesitant to admit our weaknesses. But, a part of being human is the struggle to make sense of ourselves, our ...
Comfort In Community
By: Cathryn Woodruff
When we look up more, and think outside of ourselves more, there is so much we can give, and from that, so much we will ...
More Than A Paycheck
By: Adriana Mariella
My major is useless. Or at least that's what I'm told-"An English major isn't practical," or "There's no money in journa...
Rethinking Mental Health In The Armed Forces
By: Jaclyn Susskind
For the third time since 2009, the U.S. has witnessed yet another hor...
Reaching For A Higher Education
By: Tiffany Ashtoncourt
The alarmingly un-alarming truth is that the U.S. still has some ...
Pets Are The Best Friends
By: Kendra Kumor
Who needs the drama of a human relationship when you know your dog will always love you?