

Mia O’Connell

“There was no feeling after that, like running away from Mile 21 I was so happy that the last five miles felt like nothing,” O’Connell said. “Like I d...

Caroline Kacha

“Once you get over [Heartbreak Hill] and … you see the place that you've been over the last four years—it just kind of was a sigh of relief,” Kacha sa...

Quinn Cunningham

“I … boxed out an area for myself, so I could high five people,” he said. “I just came down Comm. Ave, just like high fiving everyone on the side. … I...

Rev. Brian Dunkle

“I stopped doing [marathons] because they take a lot of time and a lot of training,” Dunkle said. “But many people encouraged me to do the Boston Mara...