A Tale of Kate Kissel: An iEdit for the Main Character
And though Kate is not much of a singer, she’s attempted to reach the high notes in these power ballads more than once. Kate, if you’re reading this, ...
iEdit: Ava Sjursen on Tennessee, TikTok, and the Big Dichotomy
Newsletter editor Ava Sjursen crafts a playlist that connects with her Tennessee roots for video editor Owen Bienen.
iEdit: Aidan Gravina is Much More Than His Olivia Rodrigo T-Shirt
Copy editor Addie Kinnaly finds surprising depth in fellow copy editor and pop princess Aidan Gravina's playlist.
iEdit: Addie Kinnaly Explores Love Through Sound
When I agreed to do an iEdit with Addie, I thought I knew what to expect. I thought our music experience couldn’t possibly be that different. Boy, wa...
iEdit: An Upbeat Playlist For Life’s Changes (Parker’s Version)
Sports editor Luke Evans enjoyed graphics editor Parker Leaf's playlist about life's inevitable changes.
iEdit: Luke Evans Discovers Music
Graphics editor Parker Leaf isn't surprised to find that sports editor Luke Evans made a playlist full of hits and classics.
iEdit: Maddie Mulligan is Chillin’ This Summer with Some Old Soul Music
What does summer mean for Maddie, though? Well, it’s one of chill, and perhaps old, summer night vibes.
iEdit: Kathy Lu Crafts a Playlist For Her “Hot Girl Summer”
Associate Podcast Editor Kathy Lu creates the perfect "hot girl summer" playlist, surprising listeners with some not-so-basic picks.