With McCarthy enters into her husband's sophomore directorial venture alongside the loose narrative and unhelpful supporting cast, comedically 'The Bo...
In the 1980s, just like now, everybody wants some, but what is it? Explored through the master of the past director Richard Linklater, a group of coll...
In the ultimate gladiator match, Batman and Superman square off. But even in the heat of battle, viewers are lead to wonder if the heart of the film l...
Do we need another Indiana Jones? And would we want to see our noble hero old, worn, and tired? What adventures truly await the famed archaeologist as...
Though this may not be the 'Cloverfield' sequel fans were expecting, '10 Cloverfield Lane' remains a fascinating piece that uses tension and unease to...
Proving that laughter did not truly abscond Afghanistan amidst war and strife, 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot' never fails to show the funny side to a tragic ...
While this may be one of Leo's younger and less know roles, 'Marvin's Room' showed audiences that the young actor could hold his own among big name st...
DiCaprio has accepted many a daunting role over the course of his career, but nothing beats his stellar performance as a murderous mental patient in S...
Fearing for his life, yet remaining astute in his quest to bring down organized crime, DiCaprio offers his most dynamic and emotionally compelling per...